Jun 242013

Despite its many flaws in the show, I still found “Rizzoli & Isles” to be enjoyable enough. Is it as engaging from episode to episode? Not quite, but the performances from the cast do at least make me want to see future episodes at some point. Hopefully season four will have improved things on the story front while still moving the characters forward. The DVD has some OK, one-time viewing, features while the audio/video transfers are more than adequate.


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Jun 232013

Gruesome to the extreme, and weird as all hell, The ABCs of Death will probably satisfy some hardcore horror fans. And although the segments are done from film students, it’s interesting to see how each approach the subject from in-your-face gore to light-hearted comedy (i.e. “Fart”), there’s probably something there for everybody. No, it doesn’t work put together but it’s not a complete waste.



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 06/23/2013  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with:
Jun 222013

I hated Movie 43. I didn’t find the jokes particularly funny – and mind you, I don’t mind crude/rude humor – nor was it very controversial. Instead this looked more like a college film project with a higher budget and one which was made for insiders rather than a larger audience.


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Jun 212013

“Major Crimes” The Complete First Season starts off strong and finishes just as strong by the end. Mary McDonnell was the perfect choice to take over and along with the others characters we got to know and love from “The Closer”, it makes for a smooth transition. The DVD doesn’t have a whole lot to offer features-wise but the audio and picture transfers are both solid.



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Jun 162013

Just from the title and its above title star, one knows what to expect from something like 12 Rounds 2: Reloaded. The original was hardly anything special although John Cena wasn’t terrible and Robert Patrick made for a formidable villain, but here, with a lower budget, things got scaled down from the production design to the script which seemed to be a wannabe Saw story with less-than-intricate plot points anyone can see coming 15 miles away.


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 06/16/2013  Blu-ray Reviews Tagged with: , ,
Jun 162013

In Old Arizona is an interesting time piece of cinema and old Westerns. As the back cover states, this was the first major Western to use the new technology of sound and the first “talkie” to be shot outdoors. Personally, and not a fan of Westerns in general, I found it to be lackluster but Warner Baxter’s performance did stand out.


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Jun 152013

“Perry Mason” Season 9, Volume 1 certainly begins to show signs of fatigue for the long-running series but even so, each episode, as plug-and-play as they tend to be, are still entertaining. And with only the second part to go, the series will be complete to which point I hope CBS Entertainment will choose to release the TV movies onto DVD. But I digress, as with the other season sets, this is pricey given there are no features and it is only half of a season.


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 06/15/2013  DVD Reviews Tagged with: ,
Jun 142013

A Good Day to Die Hard is an all around poor excuse of an action movie. Yes, some movies can rely loud explosions and insane action set pieces but those other films were not culled from the Die Hard name. The Fast and Furious franchise can get away with it because frankly, and no disrespect, they’ve never had the most clever or intense storylines and even characters. The Blu-ray at least is top notch even if the movie was not.

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Jun 112013

Rendition is an OK film shining light on a controversial practice but the drama is overwrought with over-the-top acting especially from Reese Witherspoon who seemed to have taken the role aiming for another Academy Award. But Meryl Streep and Alan Arkin are quite good in their limited roles.



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