The Fog is another classic thriller from John Carpenter featuring good scares without getting gratuitous with the horror (in fact, there is no blood) and a respectable cast..
Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox is another solid entry into the DC Universe Animated line. The movie have had quality voice talent to go along with a well paced and finely tuned adaptation work providing for provocative storytelling, unflinching violence that even Tim Burton would avoid and an all around entertaining experience that I only wish the future DC live action movies could live up to.
The Sword in the Stone is still a nice story all these years later and an entertaining film as a whole. The Blu-ray released by Disney, however, isn’t fun. While the audio track isn’t very dynamic and the video is downright disappointing, the features also have much to be desired with Disney not bothering putting any new material such as a retrospective and/or impact the movie has had.
Oliver & Company was panned by the critics back in 1988 but in recent history has found a strong fan base… and for good reason. The movie features a wonderful, Disney-fied twist on an old story and some decent voice acting.
“Star Trek: The Next Generation” Season Four is another fantastic chapter in the “Trek” franchise. In the third season, there were signs of greatness in many episodes and this season offers even more amazing chapters in the saga where even the “worst” episodes sometimes rivaled the first and second season’s best.
Kiss of the Damned has some things going for it. The story is a bit slow to develop but it does at least offers some interesting drama between the sister vampires. The performances from the main cast – Josephine de La Baume, Milo Ventimiglia, and Roxane Mesquida – are well done, however de La Baume and Mesquida are breakouts.
Vehicle 19 had an interesting filmmaking concept in taking the viewer inside the van but instead of making for a suspenseful little flick, it’s one that seemingly meanders and gets downright dull in spite of a relatively short running time. I’d like to say Paul Walker was a saving grace but that’d be a lie as he only shows one expression and has a couple scenes that would even rank low in his career. Plain and simple, this is a movie one can skip.
The Spider-Man 2 Mastered in 4k Blu-ray release looks good but is it worth the price of an upgrade (around $15)? I don’t think so especially since, as with the other 4k releases none of the features were ported over. Still, if you own the proper equipment and have made the determination to dive into the field, this is a top title worth having in your collection.
“Unforgettable”: The First Season is yet another solid crime-drama on the king of crime-dramas, CBS. Poppy Montgomery is wonderful in the lead role and her character’s abilities is unique and, at least to some extent, based on reality even if heightened for a weekly television series. The DVD released by Paramount provides good video/audio transfers while the features aren’t anything amazing but nowadays getting any features is considered a blessing.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation actually isn’t a terrible movie, thanks in large part to Dwayne Johnson, and a fair step up from Rise of the Cobra but it’s still a relatively generic action movie with nothing discernibly memorable about the action set pieces or the standard plot itself. Even so, Retaliation is worth a one-time viewing especially if you’re a fan of the “G.I. Joe” franchise.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation actually isn’t a terrible movie, thanks in large part to Dwayne Johnson, and a fair step up from Rise of the Cobra but it’s still a relatively generic action movie with nothing discernibly memorable about the action set pieces or the standard plot itself. Even so, Retaliation is worth a one-time viewing especially if you’re a fan of the “G.I. Joe” franchise.
G.I. Joe: Retaliation actually isn’t a terrible movie, thanks in large part to Dwayne Johnson, and a fair step up from Rise of the Cobra but it’s still a relatively generic action movie with nothing discernibly memorable about the action set pieces or the standard plot itself. Even so, Retaliation is worth a one-time viewing especially if you’re a fan of the “G.I. Joe” franchise.