Jan 172011

There’s no reason why I should love You’ve Got Mail as much as I do because there’s so much going against it. But I think it has to do with the old fashioned Hollywood chemistry between Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan it could also be that so many other romantic comedies pair up some of the most obnoxious actors working today or actors with no chemistry.


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 01/17/2011  Blu-ray Reviews Tagged with: , ,
Dec 222010

Shrek: The Whole Story 4-disc box set may not be perfect in terms of features, but the audio and video transfers are all great and worthy of an upgrade over their DVD counterparts. As for the movies themselves, it may not be to the level of Pixar’s Toy Story movies but even the weaker third entry was at least bearable.


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Dec 212010

The A-Team might not have hit all the notes the filmmakers’ were aiming for, but it’s still one hell of a ride. The casting was well done even if it’s a bit odd to see Liam Neeson with silver hair like he does; Bradley Cooper does his successful comedic schtick that suits his character so well; and Rampage Jackson, while not great, was a good enough casting choice in such an iconic role.


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Dec 202010

I didn’t buy for one second anything these experts presented about the possibility of aliens bringing forth various technologies centuries ago as the science experiments and some testimonials by certain scientists just don’t whole much weight with me. I do believe that there could be alien life out there for the sheer reason that the universe and solar system is so big and largely unexplored, but the theories presented in this first season of “Ancient Aliens” fails to prove anything and instead uses conjecture.

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 12/20/2010  Blu-ray Reviews Tagged with: ,
Dec 092010

Admittedly I am not a fan of either Fantasia or Fantasia 2000 but I can still appreciate what they were trying to do and the experiment Walt Disney himself was trying to accomplish. It might have failed back in 1940 but the film has its devoted followers and while I may not be one of them, this is still a set well worth picking up. Personally, I loved the Destino animated short which, as far as I can tell, is the first time it has been available on home video.

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Nov 132010

The Disappearance of Alice Creed is a nice indie picture from that is pretty intense and unrelenting from beginning to end. The film also features three great performances with rising star Gemma Arterton standing out amongst them. The Blu-ray has a surprisingly amazing looking picture and good if not adequate audio.


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Nov 012010

Overall, A Nightmare on Elm Street is just a plain nightmare for all the wrong reasons. It’s not the least bit scary and the acting by Haley is utterly laughable with each of his numerous, eye-rolling cackles. I do think the movie tries to do some things to make the film more visually interesting but visuals are only a quarter of the battle and that isn’t nearly enough to save this trash.


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May 142010

Valentine’s Day may be a two-hour cliché but at the same time it’s fairly harmless and might please some people out there, but for me, I like my romantic-comedies to have, oh I don’t know, a little comedy thrown in there. I know… that’s a silly thing to expect.



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May 082010

As a comic book fan, in general, I found Elektra to be one of the most mundane and average comic book movie ever. There’s nothing really memorable, such as an action sequence, nor the performance from the lovely Jennifer Garner. However, Elektra does make a good time-waster and a film you don’t have to think about… at all.



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