Apr 092014

American Hustle might be a tad overrated and certainly director David O. Russell took influence from Martin Scorsese and maybe a bit of Oliver Stone in terms of tone and style, but the movie’s success lies squarely on an all-star cast who mostly give great performances headlined by Christian Bale and Amy Adams.



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Apr 072014

I understand Nurse 3-D is B-movie schlock and all but there are too many flaws to ignore, most of all a lead actress who is utterly terrible with flat line deliveries hard to disregard even with a script containing some truly corny dialogue. On the plus side, Katrina Bowden is wonderful and even though I didn’t care for the movie, it’s hardly the worst I’ve come across and the 80-minute running time goes by like a breeze.


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Apr 052014

Although Desolation of Smaug is an improvement over Unexpected Journey, I still wasn’t crazy about the installment with the action scenes, albeit well filmed, seemingly blurring from one to the next and you once more had references to LOTR, a series I have far more interest in re-watching and caring about than this one thus far. Still, fans will probably get more out of this than I did so on that front, it might be worth a rental.


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Apr 052014

In Fear had a decent concept but with one character who not only makes illogical decisions but is downright unlikeable and a “twist” that is revealed halfway through, the movie flounders until the very end and a message that feels tact on though I understand what the writer/director was after.



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 04/05/2014  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with:
Mar 292014

Best Night Ever is exhibit #152 why Jason Friedberg  and Aaron Seltzer should not get anywhere near a camera. Although it is technically a step up from their previous attempts at “humor”, this is still a dry piece that hampered even further with the overused and I pray to god is on its way out, found footage style of “filmmaking”.



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Mar 262014

Out of the Furnace never quite took advantage of a tremendous cast, especially Christian Bale, with a story that’s not very compelling and although I get the symbolism Cooper was going for, it didn’t gel for one reason or another. However, is it worth seeing? I don’t think you’ll regret at least giving it a rental as there are some solid performances and a couple truly good scenes.


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