Sep 292015

Director André Téchinké is apparently a well known filmmaker with several similarly themed movies under his belt and his latest, In the Name of My Daughter isn’t very strong though the acting is not bad and there are some nice moments sprinkled throughout that might make it worth a watch.


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Sep 292015

Results is a quirky if not uneven romantic comedy with a couple fine performances, particularly Kevin Corrigan and Guy Pearce. The writing isn’t the best and by the end I can’t say it’s very memorable either way. The Blu-ray released by Magnolia is basic with slim bonus material and good video/audio transfers.


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Sep 272015

S.F.W. is certainly an odd ball of a crime-drama with frenetic editing and direction to go along with the story while the performances are mostly good headlined by Stephen Dorff with special mention going to Jake Busey channeling his crazy father. As for the Blu-ray, there’s only a trailer while the video and audio transfers are decent enough.


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Sep 262015

Mad Dog Time is an odd-ball of a movie, a throwback to the days of the Rat Pac era, it was written and directed by Joey Bishop’s son, and although plenty of the dark humor didn’t quite work, it’s not an altogether terrible flick, though nothing I’d watch again in spite of a respectable cast.


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Sep 252015

Entourage: The Movie isn’t bad in the same way as films like Transformers: Age of Extinction or Muck are but instead it’s just a self-indulgent flick where Hollywood stars can rub shoulders with one another and have a good time with it. That said, I suppose if you’re a fan of the series, which I was at one point for the first few seasons, this might be satisfactory if only because it’s serves as an extended episode.


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Sep 252015

Cinderella wasn’t quite as magical as I’d hoped but there’s plenty elements to admire especially in the costumes and production designs which both I’m certain will receive award recognition in some form. The acting and all around casting itself also isn’t bad with Lily James serving as a great Cinderella and Cate Blanchett serves well as a devilish foe. But for all the good, the story itself doesn’t offer much new or different and the conflict is limited and ineffective.


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Sep 232015

Fatal Instinct actually isn’t a half-bad spoof movie, probably along the lines of Top Secret. The jokes, while indeed stupid, are still laugh-out-loud funny and the performances from the core cast, especially Armand Assante, are played mostly straight that it makes the humor work. It’s also refreshing that the movie still holds up today unlike so many of the other spoof films…


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Sep 222015

Navy Seals vs. Zombies is exactly as the title suggest with a bunch of soldiers going up against zombies. The make-up effects aren’t too bad and as a whole, it’s a fine time waster and quality-wise probably right up there with any number of those SyFy Original movies… take that for what you will.


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Sep 222015

Emperor of the North, also known as Emperor of the North Pole, is an interesting little film no doubt. On the technical and acting front, it’s not a bad flick headlined by veterans Lee Marvin and Ernest Borgnine. The Blu-ray released by Twilight Time has good video/audio transfers however the bonus material is a bit limited.


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Sep 222015

Needless to say The Beast (Le Bete) is certainly one of the more… unusual films I’ve come across. However, it’s not for everybody and frankly, as strange as it is, and actually the performances aren’t half bad all things considered, I’m not sure if this is one I’ll ever revisit.


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Sep 202015

Sentinel is an uneven yet still creepy supernatural-horror flick with some good performances from a respectable ensemble cast that includes Ava Gardner, Burgess Meredith, Eli Wallach and Christopher Walken. The Blu-ray released by Shout Factory has above average video and audio transfers and a fine selection of bonus material.


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Sep 192015

“The Originals” season two actually improves upon its freshman year with good storylines and a well rounded ensemble that in some instances rivals “The Vampire Diaries” and on the whole, I found this series more enjoyable and fresh by comparison. The Blu-ray released by Warner Home Video offers great audio/video transfers while the bonus material, while fine, does feel a tad light in substance.


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Sep 172015

“NCIS”: The Twelfth Season is another solid year for the venerable series that excels mostly to the ensemble cast which, for the most part, has been together since the beginning. The stories also remain compelling with new and different obstacles for the team including a deadly antagonist to start the season out with a bang.


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Sep 172015

Angel a.k.a. Danny Boy, is a well acted drama that doesn’t entirely resonate on a visceral level, though there were a few tragic and emotional scenes, but still offers a viewpoint on the volatile times in Ireland. The Blu-ray released by Twilight Time offers good video and audio transfers but the lack of bonus material is disappointing and makes the $30 MSRP far too high of a price unless you are a fan of the film.


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Sep 142015

At Close Range is a bit uneven but still effective character drama headlined by a few great performances especially by Sean Penn and Christopher Walken. Despite some flaws, it’s a compelling story and worth checking out at least once. The Blu-ray released by Twilight Time is nice and all with good video/audio transfers yet again comes at a high price.


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