Jun 202017

Life was one of the bigger disappointments for me this year with a respectable cast and interesting, if not familiar, story that clearly took cues from Ridley Scott’s Alien. But while the execution was okay, though I didn’t find anything all that’s suspenseful, the script was a mess and perhaps a good re-write could’ve made a difference.


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Jun 182017

Warner Archive’s release of Vision Quest may not wow you in terms of its technical aspects as both the video and audio transfers I’d term as above average, and the bonus material is lacking, but this is a decently made drama from the mid-80s that likely would ever look better.


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Jun 172017

The Lego® Batman Movie does have some funny moments and great scenes with inside jokes for any Batman fan out there. The downside is the plot is rather thin but the message is one that kids and adults could get something out of while the jokes do run a bit dry and the film could’ve been cut down.


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