Oct 232021

The Suicide Squad might not hit the levels of something like Guardians of the Galaxy (still an MCU favorite of mine), but it does take the material in the right direction when compared with Ayer’s 2016 original with a better story and characterization.


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Jun 242019

Escape Plan: The Extractors, and this might be faint praise, is at least better than the previous installment if only that Sylvester Stallone seem like he was the star. As it is, there is some fun entertainment value to the third entry.


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Jan 202019

Cobra isn’t a very good movie… at all and rather a second (or third) rate Stallone action-thriller with minimal to no character development and an utterly ridiculous plot, or more to the point villain(s) and motives.


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Jun 062018

Escape Plan is a fun throwback to the 80s and 90s action genre culminated with starring the two biggest actors of that era. Although neither one of them are at the top of their game, this is still an enjoyable flick well worth at least one viewing if only to see Stallone and Schwarzenegger fight.


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Aug 202017

Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol. 2 is a good step down from the first movie but still enjoyable enough even if the jokes at times feel forced and the story not quite as strong, and a villain’s motivations a bit of a letdown. That said, the performances were mostly good especially Karen Gillan and Michael Rooker.


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