Non-Stop might not re-write the manual on the suspense/thriller and the script seems culled from the 1990s, but it’s an enjoyable flick and another winner with Liam Neeson in the lead who has proven to be more than a capable action hero.
Non-Stop might not re-write the manual on the suspense/thriller and the script seems culled from the 1990s, but it’s an enjoyable flick and another winner with Liam Neeson in the lead who has proven to be more than a capable action hero.
Carrie had the potential to be good with two fine leads in Chloe Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore but instead it proves to be yet another remake that wasn’t needed. Not helping matters is a cast that failed to make much of an impression and in the case of Moretz, had one particular scene which was silly.
The Fugitive remains one of the best action-thrillers I’ve seen in many years and easily a standout of TV to screen adaptations. Despite being 130-minutes long, the film flies by and utilizes each minute with little filler. The performances from Ford and Jones are phenomenal even though neither of them shared more than a few minutes of screen time together.