May 262019

Batman & Robin is just an all around terrible movie and truly a corporate movie made to sell toys, but thankfully it did tank at the box office ushering in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, but man this movie did not improve, even on the so bad its good level.


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May 262019

Batman Forever certainly was a change-up for the franchise after the very dark turn in Batman Returns and to say it’s a 180 is putting it lightly. Although I acknowledge it’s not good, I do have an affinity for the movie due to nostalgia.


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May 242019

13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi is an even-keeled telling of the events of that night with minimal political undertones sticking with the actual attacks. The performances are all well done highlighted by James Badge Dale and John Krasinski.


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May 232019

How to Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World is a well done conclusion to the nearly decade-long franchise featuring a well told, if not basic, story to go along with some beautiful animation and nice voice work by the ensemble cast.


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