Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle exemplifies the early 2000s so damn well, and yes I realize McG was parodying the action schlock from that time period (like M:I2) but doesn’t do it very well, or at least the humor rarely lands.
Omen III: The Final Conflict is a half-baked horror-thriller that had its moments for sure, with the wonderful Sam Neill in one of his early films in his career.
I actually enjoyed Damien: Omen II ever so slightly more than the first film, but it’s not without its problems, that being some of the editing and pacing, though Jonathan Scott-Taylor actually wasn’t bad as Damien.
Although I don’t hold The Omen in as high regards to some as I never found the plot itself all that enegaing, the film does have its moments and genuine creepiness and a bit of a dark fun factor going for it.