Nov 192013

Paranoia is the latest exercise in mediocrity despite having a few very talented actors attached. The story is clichéd filled and the performances, again despite the talent, are at best phoned in. It’s not a terrible film and as passable entertainment might be worth a whirl (rental), but otherwise pass it by.



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Nov 172013

We’re the Millers as a concept isn’t very good and could’ve easily been destined for direct-to-video hell but thanks to a director who seems to know how to direct comedy and a cast who share some great chemistry with one another, Millers is a film that won’t go down as one of the greats but is a more than serviceable comedy with some fun moments.


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Nov 102013

“Star Trek: The Next Generation”: Unification is a highlight in the fourth and fifth seasons of the series featuring the, at the time, long-awaited appearance of one of the main cast members of the original series (yes, I know Deforest Kennedy had a cameo in the pilot). The two-part episode isn’t as intense as “Best of Both Worlds” but they’re still an excellent inclusion in the series.


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Nov 072013

Man of Steel had the opportunity to be a lot better but as it stands, I actually found it enjoyable and kind of liked some of the changes Zack Snyder, David Goyer and, in small part, Christopher Nolan, made, but I can understand why others would be fervently against them.


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Nov 052013

White House Down is a forgettable action movie which heavily borrows from other, often better, movies most notable Die Hard. The acting isn’t bad though Foxx and Tatum don’t share great chemistry and the screenplay is riddled with lame lines that don’t hit their mark and don’t get me started on the plot.



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