Mar 172014

as if you needed further proof of Uwe Boll’s talent (or lack thereof), In the Name of the King 3 is yet another entry into his lackluster resume. But unlike some of his “finer” films, this is merely a generically bad movie with no redeeming value and not even bad enough to mock. Purcell looks utterly bored and turns in an uninspiring performance.


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Mar 122014

Fever Pitch is a fun British romantic drama featuring solid performances from Colin Firth and Ruth Gemmell. It’s filled with good drama providing background into Firth’s character and his obsession with “football” over-layered with his personal drama as an adult, giving layers to what could’ve otherwise been a fluffy film.


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Mar 092014

Boiler Room unabashedly takes its cues from Wall Street and Glengarry Glenn Ross with a clip from the former being shown and quoted by the characters, so kudos for at least not denying it and claiming to be original through and through. The performances are mostly solid but the screenplay and in particular, the ending needed work because it had potential to be memorable.


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Mar 072014

Nebraska is a slow developing yet poignant drama-comedy about aging, familial relationships and looking at the past. It’s not quite as good as Payne’s previous works like Sideways, but well worth watching especially for the performances from Bruce Dern who is absolutely incredible and Will Forte, working well off of Dern.



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Mar 072014

Samson and Delilah is one of Cecil Deville’s lavish spectacles with wonderful vistas and color cinematography that is absolutely beautiful and probably one of the reasons the movie has endured as much as it has. The two leads are fine in their roles though hardly memorable but admittedly it’s not a story I was enamored with to go along with a screenplay that isn’t the best in terms of dialogue.


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Mar 062014

Homefront isn’t a great film yet still more than watchable fare especially for Statham who is on top of his game even if his character is more or less the same as we’ve seen before. The action is half-decent but the fights are tough and well done helping one ignore a messy plot and two-dimensional characters played by actors who probably deserved better.


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