Mar 022015

Scooby-Doo! Moon Monster Madness isn’t the strongest of the modern animated movie line but it still has some entertainment value and if you have kids, they’ll probably eat every bit of it up. The animation itself isn’t bad either and the voice casting once again is well done.


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Feb 062013

Silent Hill Revelation is the latest horror/thriller to come down the pike where filmmakers throw random crap at the screen and then try to stuff it all into a half-assed screenplay and story in the hopes nobody would care or notice especially if they pay lip service to a certain demographic.


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Dec 042012

I suppose if you’re going into Silent Night wanting to revisit the good old days of the 1980s slasher genre, it will probably meet your expectations. However, if you’re looking even for a miniscule amount of logic –answering a question posed by the main character – then the film will disappoint. I couldn’t find much here to be entertaining.

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