Nov 042020

The Back to the Future Trilogy is still fantastic even after watching it for probably the tenth time and holds up in its entertainment value. Universal once again releases the movies on a new format and it does feature great video and audio and a few fine new features alongside a slew of others ported over from previous sets.


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Mar 252017

This 1984 Red Dawn is no doubt a silly movie with Cold War fear-mongering at the forefront, but I’d be lying if I didn’t have fun watching especially with this who’s who cast from the era.


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Oct 312015

Back in Time and its filmmakers had such a golden opportunity with the number of participants they managed to interview and instead we get an aimless focus on subject with the first half starting off well enough before meandering into the fan aspects and nearly completely ignoring the two sequels. As it stands, it might be worth streaming off of Netflix but nothing more than that.


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