Jul 122011

The “I <3 iCarly Collection” isn’t anything special as it just contains the previously released DVDs of “iFight Shelby Marx”, “iSaved Your Life” and “iSpace Out”. The features are the same, the audio and video is the same so unless you don’t already own these, in which case you can get them at a decent price (though I still recommend the season volume sets), then you can pass this on by.


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Jul 052011

Endure is a finely directed thriller with a good performance from Judd Nelson, thick stache and all, but the story itself is far too simplistic that it would’ve been better suited for a television series like “Criminal Minds” or “CSI”. I also had a problem with some of the behind-the-scenes decisions between the choppy editing and an overbearing and, at times, needless score during some key scenes.


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Jul 042011

Marvel Knights “Iron Man: Extremis” and “Spider-Woman: Agent of S.W.O.R.D.” are two decent motion comics which I’m certain will thrill fans of each character and the comic book they are based upon. For me, I’ve never been a big fan of the motion comic but even so, they are entertaining and at a low price is worth picking up especially if you don’t already own the individual DVD releases.


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Jul 022011

It is what it is and if you’ve been waiting for the much anticipated battle of the 1980s pop stars intermixed with some truly awful CGI then Mega Python vs. Gatoroid is the film for you. The Blu-ray has an average video transfer, adequate audio and a minimal amount of features. This is the type of title that will comprise of a Blu-ray bargain aisle or bin.


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 07/02/2011  Blu-ray Reviews
Jun 242011

I don’t think Sucker Punch is a movie one should be dismissive of. Yes, an argument can be made that this is basically CGI porn and the story can be nonsensical but I think somewhere in here there is a compelling movie, it just gets lost in the CG and fantasy worlds.


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Jun 162011

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix isn’t great but still quite good and highly entertaining. As to whether or not this Ultimate Edition is worth the money to upgrade is, at best, questionable. The only addition to the set, in terms of actual features, is the hour-long documentary which is well done no doubt but I highly suspect that once Deathly Hallows Part 2 is released, Warner will release a separate documentary with all 8-parts on one disc with some new extra thrown in.


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Jun 062011

The Superman: The Complete Anthology is a fine set for sure and while the features are certainly comprehensive between vintage featurettes and multiple expansive documentaries and commentaries, but in particular the video has much to be desired. This isn’t to say they don’t look good but compared with the work Fox did with their Alien complete set, this one pales by comparison.


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May 262011

Check out our reviews of the May 2011 Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Blu-ray catalouge titles. Movies include: The Crow: City of Angels, Equilibrium starring Christian Bale and Emily Watson; Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers; Hellraiser: Bloodline; Texas Rangers with James Van Der Beek, Dylan McDermott and Ashton Kutcher; Duplex/My Boss’s Daughter Double Feature with Ben Stiller, Drew Barrymore, Kutcher and Tara Reid and The Yards/The Lookout Double Feature starring Mark Wahlberg, Joaquin Phoenix, Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jeff Daniels.


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May 232011

I guess Money Train has that so bad its good aspect going for it, especially in regards to Robert Blake’s inane performance but otherwise it’s just another forgettable action piece of the 1990s. In comparison with other buddy comedies, it also falls way short as I didn’t feel the comradery between Snipes and Harrelson and the story never quite gels either as it wasn’t what it was.


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May 122011

Beverly Hills Cop is quintessential 1980s action from the electronic score to the basic look and feel. It also was the perfect vehicle for a then on the rise Eddie Murphy who probably was at his best. The Blu-ray itself has a passable audio track, video that is certainly ahead of the curve compared with the DVD and features which are nice but nothing special.


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Apr 192011

Love & Other Drugs is propelled by the leads rather than the story. I give major credit for the brave performances by Anne Hathaway and Jake Gyllenhaal as they don’t go overboard with characters that could’ve been walking movie clichés. Now, the script itself is serviceable but nothing special, in fact it sticks pretty closely to the formula.


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