Jul 162013

G.I. Joe: Retaliation actually isn’t a terrible movie, thanks in large part to Dwayne Johnson, and a fair step up from Rise of the Cobra but it’s still a relatively generic action movie with nothing discernibly memorable about the action set pieces or the standard plot itself. Even so, Retaliation is worth a one-time viewing especially if you’re a fan of the “G.I. Joe” franchise.


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Jul 132013

With Evil Dead Fede Alvarez and company, along with producers Sam Raimi and Bruce Campbell, were on an uphill battle remaking/rebooting a cult classic and in some instances, it works but in many others, it came across as another horror movie amongst hundreds of others with higher production values.


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Jul 102013

The Last Exorcism Part II is the epitome of the unnecessary sequel. The story is slow to develop, the scares are scarce and the screenplay itself is half-baked. However, for all that’s wrong with it, there are some truly incredibly awful scenes that approach awesomeness that it would make for perfect “MST3K” material.



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Jul 092013

Bullet to the Head is yet another forgettable action flick. For some, it might be a fun callback to 1980s action but for myself, I found it to be poorly made with awkward storytelling and poor casting with Sung Kang, who I generally find to be a charismatic actor (and was the only good thing in Tokyo Drift) but he had absolutely no chemistry as Stallone’s quasi-adversary.


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Jul 072013

Sleepless in Seattle isn’t the perfect romantic-comedies but it’s an effective one and respectable given the two leads share very little time on-screen with one another. Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are great in their respective parts separated and even though I’ve seen the film dozens of times over the years, it’s still entertaining.


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Jul 032013

Upside Down threw away so much potential that it could have been a cult classic but instead we get a jumbled screenplay and finished product that seems to be missing some key scenes. It also doesn’t help that our two protagonists are barely together early on making Adam’s journey so hard to follow because it’s not immediately obvious why he is so enamored with her.



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Jun 302013

The “Robot Chicken: DC Comics Special” is just as funny as the show itself and for fan of DC Comics, it’s a hoot to watch. While not all the jokes land, the majority do and alongside some decent talent lending their voices, even if a few are unrecognizable (like Alfred Molina).


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Jun 262013

Although hardly the perfect comedy, The Incredible Burt Wonderstone still has plenty of laughs going for it. Steve Carell is more or less Michael Scott, and any other character he’s played in his other comedic efforts, but the supporting cast gives good performances and I for one managed to laugh more than a few times and was all around amused by the film.


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Jun 232013

Gruesome to the extreme, and weird as all hell, The ABCs of Death will probably satisfy some hardcore horror fans. And although the segments are done from film students, it’s interesting to see how each approach the subject from in-your-face gore to light-hearted comedy (i.e. “Fart”), there’s probably something there for everybody. No, it doesn’t work put together but it’s not a complete waste.



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 06/23/2013  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with:
Jun 222013

I hated Movie 43. I didn’t find the jokes particularly funny – and mind you, I don’t mind crude/rude humor – nor was it very controversial. Instead this looked more like a college film project with a higher budget and one which was made for insiders rather than a larger audience.


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