Daphne & Velma was an unexpected treat even if it’s not exactly a necessity to really exist but I did have a fun time watching and at least actresses Jeffery and Gilman encompassed the characters nicely and it did feel like a Scooby-Doo film.
Café Society is perhaps one of Woody Allen’s weaker films though it is at least watchable if only for Jesse Eisenberg who now appears to be Allen’s pick to play the neurotic Jewish character he perfected back in the day. This might be worth a rental particularly if you generally like most of Allen’s works.
American Ultra has some things going for it from an interesting story that combines Bourne with Pineapple Express to fun performances by Jesse Eisenberg and Kristen Stewart who shows some actual charisma utterly lacking in many of her other movies; yet at the same time, and as outlandish and fun as the story is, it’s not terribly memorable.
It’s something else, but Camp X-Ray manages to show that Kristen Stewart isn’t a half bad actress (though she still employs the eyes half closed look) and her co-star, Payman Maadi delivers a fine performance as well with the pair sharing a nice on-screen chemistry. The Blu-ray released by IFC is rather basic with thin bonus features while the video and audio transfers are both excellent.