Jan 302019

Valentine for me, like Urban Legend, isn’t a slasher-horror classic but I will admit there are at least few fun elements and I suspect if you were to watch this in a group setting, the experience might be a better one. However, this “Collector’s Edition” is a near home run from Shout Factory.


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Jul 202017

Unforgettable is an ironic name since the film is anything but; however beyond the title, this is just not a good movie, even on a so good it’s bad kind of way. I can’t say either Rosario Dawson or Katherine Heigl gave particularly poor performances considering the script was awful.


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Dec 242015

Jenny’s Wedding had the ingredients to be a decent enough romantic drama but instead the talents are wasted with a sub-par script and little to no chemistry between Heigl and Bledel. With the likes of Tom Wilkinson co-starring and from the director of Beaches, this was a disappointing flick only worthy perhaps of a rental.


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