Juror #2 may not be the highlight from Clint Eastwood as a directory, however it is a perfectly watchable legal drama with decent enough performances.
Juror #2 may not be the highlight from Clint Eastwood as a directory, however it is a perfectly watchable legal drama with decent enough performances.
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit needs to be commended for staying on the air for an astounding 25 seasons and while I don’t find this a must-watch series, the acting at least was passable and some compelling stories.
The Strangers is a movie that still holds up today as it did 10 years ago. Its simplicity, and restraint of using jump scares, really helps it stand out from others in the thriller/horror genre even when character development is, at best, minimal.
Girlfight is a well done drama featuring a breakout performance from a young, pre-Fast and the Furious, Michelle Rodriguez and despite not seeing it in over two decades, still holds up and is well worth checking out as it likely went under the radar.
The Flash: The Original Series is a fun enough superhero show that has all the hallmarks of the early 90s and before the subgenre was taken seriously. Still, John Wesley Shipp is wonderful as Barry Allen.
Madame Web might have an interesting story somewhere but is another Sony/Marvel that fails just about at every level from the acting, writing and direction, it doesn’t even have that trainwreck aspect going for it either.
Suits is a fun show with great characters and story arcs that still stay fresh over the course of the nine seasons; it’s no wonder why this is one of the most highly streamed shows ever.
Burnt Offerings arrived on Bluray Blu-ray by Kino Lorber featuring two commentary tracks, new interviews and more. The supernatural-horror film stars Karen Black, Oliver Reed, Bette Davis and Burgess Meredith.
The Questor Tapes is a failed TV pilot from Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry and this TV movie stars Robert Foxworth, Mike Farrell and John Vernon. This Blu-ray includes a new transfer and an audio commentary.
Crash isn’t a movie I found all that great though my interest was mainly for some of the controversy and honestly as strange as the “plot” and characters were, it’s not that out of bounds at least nowadays.
White Lightning might not hold a candle to other Burt Reynolds gems like Smokey and the Bandit, and perhaps there is a reason this, and its sequel, Gator, aren’t fondly remembered, however outside fo a couple okay car chase sequences, there’s not a whole lot that’s memorable.
Neon City is a sci-fi apocalyptic thriller from 1991 and stars Michael Ironside and Vanity. The Blu-ray released by Kino Lorber includes an Audio Commentary and an interview with Ironside.
The Dark Power maybe had the potential to be a fun zombie-horror-comedy but like Alien Outlaw, it meanders through most of its already short 80-minute running time and by the finale I kind of tuned out.