The more appropriate title for Scrawl should have been “Scattershot” instead with an awfully confusing plot from the get-go. The only reason this is now receiving any more attention is it does feature a pre-Star Wars Daisy Ridley.
Genre(s): Horror, Fantasy
Wild Eye Releasing | NR – 79 min.
Date Published: 06/19/2019 | Author: The Movieman
Wild Eye Releasing provided me with a free copy of the DVD I reviewed in this Blog Post.
The opinions I share are my own.
Simon (LIAM HUGHES) is a high school student who makes his own comic books, but soon fins that the deaths depicted in their pages are coming to life, and targeting his friends. The appearance of a mysterious woman (DAISY RIDLEY) who may actually be death incarnate only makes things worse for him as he is force to face what he has created, while staying alive long enough to rewrite the ending before it’s too late. |
Audio Commentary — Writer-Director Peter Yearn
Behind the Scenes (19:14) contains on-location interviews with the cast and filmmakers. Cast Interviews (28:49) – Just some basic sounbites from the actors and actresses talking about their roles or the story. Nothing phenomenal though we do get to hear from Daisy Ridley. Short Film (10:22) – Motto |
VIDEO – 3.5/5, AUDIO – 3.0/5
Scrawl is presented with a 16×9 enhanced 2.40 widescreen aspect ratio and pretty much looks fine considering it was filmed 4-5 years ago and on a limited budget. The included Dolby Digital 2.0 track is serviceable outputting okay dialogue but the cheap sound design was apparent. |
OVERALL – 2.0/5 |
The more appropriate title for Scrawl should have been “Scattershot” instead with an awfully confusing plot from the get-go. The only reason this is now receiving any more attention is it does feature a pre-Star Wars Daisy Ridley in a smallish role and honestly, she gives the better performances, not that’s saying much. |
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