Adventure Time: The Complete Seventh Season is, in itself, another solid season for the series. The issue with this release is that while the first six releases got a Blu-ray release but for whatever reason, season seven is DVD only.
Adventure Time: The Complete Seventh Season
Genre(s): Animation, Comedy
Warner Home Video | TVPG – 286 min. – $24.98 | July 18, 2017
Date Published: 06/26/2017 | Author: The Movieman
As season seven unfolds, major changes are in store for some of the inhabitants of Candy Kingdom. Princess Bubblegum is exiled to live on the shores of Lake Butterscotch, where she tries to grow a new kingdom made of vegetables. Marceline decides she no longer wants to be a vampire and asks Princess Bubblegum to help her get rid of her vampire essence. Her quest to become mortal sets off a series of events that are captured in the eight-part “Stakes” story arc. |
This two-disc release comes with a matted slip cover. Features Include:
VIDEO – 4.5/5, AUDIO – 3.0/5
Adventure Time: The Complete Seventh Season is presented with an anamorphic widescreen 1.78 aspect ratio and shows off the show’s colorful atmosphere while each episode only comes with a standard Dolby Digital 2.0 audio. |
OVERALL – 2.0/5 |
Overall, Adventure Time: The Complete Seventh Season is, in itself, another solid season for the series. The issue with this release is that while the first six releases got a Blu-ray release but for whatever reason, season seven is DVD only. One can only hope there is a future Blu-ray release… |