Oct 252019

Ultra Q: Series 01 isn’t a series I ever really heard of, but I’m also hardly an expert on Japanese television either, so going in to this for the first time, this was a pretty cool show, kind of a combination of The X-Files with Twin Peaks and The Twilight Zone.



Ultra Q: Complete Series 01

Genre(s): Science Fiction, Fantasy
Mill Creek | NR – 716 min. – $39.98 | October 15, 2019

Date Published: 10/25/2019 | Author: The Movieman

Writer(s): Various
Cast: Kenji Sahara, Yasuhiko Saijou, Hiroko Sakurai

Features: None
Slip Cover: Yes
Digital Copy: Yes
Formats Included: Blu-ray
Number of Discs: 4

Audio: Japanese (DTS-HD MA 2.0)
Video: 1080p/Full Frame 1.33
Subtitles: English
Codecs: MPEG-4 AVC
Region(s): A

Mill Creek Entertainment provided me with a free copy of the Blu-ray I reviewed in this Blog Post.
The opinions I share are my own.


After co-creating the iconic movie monsters Godzilla, Rodan and Mothra for Toho Studios, special effects director Eiji Tsuburaya launched his own company, Tsuburaya Productions. The first production under his new label was ULTRA Q, a 28 episode series that brought the theatrical spectacle Tsuburaya had become known for to television. The black & white sci-fi drama focused on Mainichi Shimpo photojournalist Yuriko Edogawa (HIROKO SAKURAI), Hoshikawa Airlines pilot/SF writer Jun Manjhome (KENJI SAHARA) and his co-pilot Ippei Togawa (YASUHIKO SAIJOU), who partnered to investigate mysterious events occurring in and around Japan. These phenomena often involved aliens and giant monsters, many of whom would return in future Ultraman shows and movies.



This four-disc set comes housed in an extra-wide HD keep case which side-slides into a sturdy slip case. There is a code for the Digital Copy (redeemable only on movieSpree). There is also a booklet included with trivia and an episode guide. No features were included, unfortunately.


VIDEO – 4.5/5

This black & white presentation of Ultra Q: Series 01 where it’s shown with a 1.33 full frame aspect ratio as originally aired 50 years ago, and a 1080p high-definition transfer. The picture quality on this is pretty darn good. Detail is relatively sharp throughout and the blacks are well balanced without showing any major signs of artifacts, though I did notice a few specs of dirt here and there as well as some cell damage, but otherwise this is an impressive transfer.

AUDIO – 4.0/5

Each episode comes with a Japanese language DTS-HD Master Audio Stereo track which does produce clear dialogue levels and a bit of depth during the more action-centric scenes. Nothing amazing but it’s still an effective lossless track.


OVERALL – 3.5/5

Ultra Q: Series 01 isn’t a series I ever really heard of, but I’m also hardly an expert on Japanese television either, so going in to this for the first time, this was a pretty cool show, kind of a combination of The X-Files with Twin Peaks and The Twilight Zone. This 6-disc set from Mill Creek might not offer any bonus features, the release itself does have impressive video and audio transfers.

 10/25/2019  Blu-ray Reviews, Quick Hit Reviews Tagged with: ,

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